TAYLOR group, inc.
engineering & geoscience consultants
Michael A. Cazeneuve Joins TGI
February 20, 2017
TGI is pleased to announce that Michael Cazeneuve, PE, PG, CEG has joined TGI as a Senior Engineer and Geologist at our Oceanside, California office. Mike is registered as a Civil Engineer, Geologist and Certified Engineering Geologist in California. He has over 15 years experience as Project and Staff Geologist, Project and Staff Engineer, and Engineering Technician in the greater Los Angeles Area on geotechnical and foundation engineering projects. Mike's Project experience includes university and studio related facilities, public and private school structures, multi-story commercial/retail/office buildings, regional shopping centers, industrial parks, adaptive re-use developments, at-grade and subterranean parking structures, multi-family housing including condominiums, townhomes and apartment buildings, and additions to single family residences and commercial structures.
Mr. Cazeneuve also serves on the Board of Directors of the California Geotechnical Engineering Association (CalGeo).

Oceanside Recycled Water Conveyance Systems
January 1, 2017
TGI has started work as the geotechnical consultant to Dudek and NV5 for planning and design of two recycled water conveyance systems in the City of Oceanside. The two systems, known as the Upper and Lower San Luis Rey Reclamation Facility (SLRWRF) Recycled Water Conveyance Systems will include eight (8) booster pump stations, five (5) reservoirs of approximately 1 MG to 3 MG each, eight (8) pressure reducing station sites and approximately 183,000 l.f. (35 miles) of 6” to 20” diameter pipelines throughout the City.
TGI's services include preliminary geotechnical evaluation of facility site and alignment alternatives and comprehensive geotechnical investigations for selected reservoir sites, pipeline alignments and other facility sites.