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400 South The Strand, Oceanside, CA

TGI  provided environmental, geotechnical and civil engineering consulting and design services for a highly visible 8-unit luxury condominium project located on beachfront property in the Downtown Oceanside Redevelopment Area.  TGI assisted the developer and worked with the Oceanside Redevelopment Department to secure entitlements from the City’s Community Development Commission and the California Coastal Commission, including successfully defending an appeal to the Coastal Commission.


Key features of the project that presented design constraints and challenges include a 12,000 square foot subterranean parking level within 100’ of the Pacific Ocean shoreline, a coastal bluff with a 25’ elevation difference between the beachfront and landward sides of the site, zoning restrictions limiting the maximum elevation of the structure and the dedication of public beach access through the site from the blufftop to the beach. 


TGI preformed turnkey engineering services that encompassed the entire project cycle – from planning and entitlements through completion of construction.  Our services on this project have included:

  • Performance of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

  • Performance of a geotechnical design investigation to provide recommendations for shoring, earthwork, foundations and basement/retaining walls

  • Preparation and processing of Tentative and Final Maps

  • Preparation of preliminary and final grading and improvement plans

  • Hydrology Study and drainage design

  • Preparation of a Storm Water Mitigation Plan and a BMP Operations and Maintenance Plan

  • Geotechnical observation and testing for shoring, grading and foundation construction


Throughout the project, TGI worked closely with the developer, architect and City staff to achieve the project objectives and successfully complete this unique and outstanding project.

© 2013  by Taylor Group, Inc.  All rights reserved.

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