TAYLOR group, inc.
engineering & geoscience consultants
Custom Beachfront Homes

TGI's services related to custom beachfron homes typically include some or all of the following:
Geotechnical investigations and design reports
Geologic hazard assessment
Liquefaction assessment and mitigation
Slope stability assessment and mitigation
Foundation engineering
Land surveying
Story poles
Grading and drainage plans
Shoring plans
Hydrology and hydraulics report
Storm water mitigation plans and BMP O&M Plans
Construction observation and testing
Planning and coastal permit assistance
TGI has provided comprehensive and turnkey civil and geotechnical engineering services for more than 50 beachfront and coastal zone homes in Southern California, and partcularly in Oceanside. We work with owners, developers, architects and others throughout the planning, design, permitting and construction phases of these projects and have a demonstrated track record of assistance in getting projects approved and completed.
We understand how to work with city planning departments, local planning groups, planning commissions and California Coatal Commission staff to navigate the often-difficult process of discretionary permit approval.
We have the technical expertise and experience to produce quality designs and engineering solutions that address the unique challenges and constraints of beachfront properties. And we have the ability to provide all of the engineering services required for these projects under one roof.